Male vs. Female Pug: Which Is Better?

Male and female Pug sitting on the grass

Pugs, in general, are amazing companions, but have you ever pondered on the topic of male and female Pugs? Surely there are distinct personality traits between male and female Pugs, right? If you’re curious to know, stick around!

So, should you get a male Pug or a female Pug?

Female Pugs are affectionate without being too clingy. They are smart, easy to train, and can be left alone without showing signs of anxiety. They also typically live longer than male Pugs. On the other hand, male Pugs are more laid back. They are highly sociable, playful, and extremely loyal.

If you want to know more about the differences between male and female Pugs, this article answers all your questions. Let’s get started!

Physical Differences

Male and female Pug in the forest

Male Pugs

While male Pugs can look similar to female Pugs at first glance, upon closer look, you’ll notice clear differences between the two. 

In the Pug world, male dogs are typically bulkier, weighing between 13 and 20 pounds. Moreover, the average height of male Pugs is around 12 to 14 inches

Thanks to their larger bodies, male Pugs have a stronger physiques than females. Their build is also arguably more robust against the elements.

Male Pugs also mature physically at a faster rate than females, although female Pugs are quicker to mature mentally, which is why they are often considered the smarter gender.

Female Pugs

On the flip side, female dogs are usually smaller in both height and weight compared to their male counterparts. As expected, this is also the case for female Pugs.

Female Pugs generally weigh around 13 to 18 pounds and grow to about 10 to 12 inches in height. This makes them look slimmer and smaller than the males.

Aside from the slight differences in size, the female and male Pugs look very similar. Both sport the same coat colors, proportions and overall look. In fact, males and females even have the same gait!

Temperamental Differences

Male Pugs

In terms of temperament in the canine world, male Pug puppies are bolder, more confident, highly energetic, and definitely more mischievous. They are also messy and can be quite attention-seeking.

This makes them harder to train than their female counterparts because of their sheer stubbornness and short attention span. 

That said, they are way less aggressive than female Pugs, who are known to nip at the slightest provocation.

Male dogs are also known to act like alpha dogs by marking their territory and protecting their family. At the end of the day, however, male Pugs are clingy and love to be treated like a baby. 

Female Pugs

Female Pugs are adorable and charming. They’ve got that sassy attitude, and they’re not afraid to show it. Take note that a girl Pug is not one to chase after you and try to please you.

Instead, they are independent dogs and would love to be left alone every so often. They can take care of themselves, and they love their personal space.

This is why it’s important to establish dominance early on. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself dealing with a bossy and sassy female dog that can be very aggressive and snobby. 

Female Pugs can also be very suspicious of strangers. In fact, you’ll find your female Pug barking at every stranger it sees. That said, however, female Pugs can also be relaxed and a bit shy at times.

They are also incredibly affectionate and love to snuggle. Just don’t tease them as they can be quick with their mood swings, like other female dogs. 

In any case, female Pugs are easily trainable, which means it won’t be hard to correct any negative behavior. 

Having an 8-year-old female Pug myself, Bea is like a comic character come to life in our house. Both its positive and negative behaviors, along with its funny looks, turn into natural antics that the entire family finds very entertaining.

Though Bea has already adapted well to a multi-pet environment, she continues to be quirky and bossy since she is a senior at home.

Behavior and Training

Female Pug during training

Male Pugs

In terms of canine training, male Pug puppies can be very hard to train at a young age. After reaching two years old, they will eventually learn to calm down and become keener on focusing on their surroundings.

Prior to this age, a male Pug dog has its own personality. It may have a very short attention span and have difficulty following rules because it prefers playtime. Males can be very hyperactive and stubborn, too.

This is why it’s helpful to implement shorter training sessions, lasting about 20 minutes or so. They will also need lots of praise and dog treats. 

The two genders, in general, are not fit for heavy training like vigorous exercise, jumping, and running all day. After all, Pugs are companion dogs, not working dogs.

It’s also important to remember not to take your male Pug off its leash when training outside. Otherwise, they will easily get distracted and want to play with everything and everyone they see.

Like other breeds, male dogs may also display territory-marking behavior, which can be burdensome for owners. You can observe this particularly when you take them to new places or when there is new furniture in the house.

Aside from early training, the most effective way to curb this behavior is by neutering your male Pug.

Female Pugs

When it comes to training, a female Pug puppy tends to be better focused and attentive. They are intense, reserved, and follow instructions seriously. It also helps that they love to please their owner.

Unlike male Pugs, females do well with off-leash training since they don’t get distracted easily.

That said, it’s important to note that they don’t trust strangers easily — both people and animals — so when training outside, they may bark and howl at everyone. They don’t mean any harm; they just want to protect their owner.

This also means you need to be careful when you take them to parks or other public places. 

Pugs are adorable little creatures, and people will want to pet them, but they may bite due to their reserved personality and territorial behavior.

Marking behavior may also be observed in female Pugs but less often than in male dogs. This mostly happens when they are in heat. Spaying your female dog can significantly reduce this tendency. 

Health Differences

Male Pugs

When it comes to health, male Pugs are sadly more prone to joint and bone diseases due to their large body mass and hyperactivity.

Common illnesses with male Pugs include hip dysplasia, staph infection, yeast infection, and skin rashes. 

Both male and female Pugs are also at risk for eye problems due to their bulging eyes and how the hair on their eyelids constantly comes into contact with their eyeballs. This can cause dry eyes, friction, and infection.

This is why it’s important for a Pug owner to seek veterinary guidance and have their male dog vaccinated to prolong its lifespan.

Now, unless you’re planning on breeding your Pug, it might be a better idea to neuter your dog rather than keep it intact. This will help it become less aggressive and impulsive and prevent sex-related health issues.

Like many breeds, male Pugs are prone to disorders in the prostate gland, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis, prostatic and paraprostatic cysts, and even prostate cancer.

Besides, it’s relatively cheap to neuter a male Pug as compared to spaying a female one. It’s also a much less abrasive procedure, so your Pug will heal fairly quickly, and you’ll have yourself a happy, healthy dog in no time. 

Female Pugs

Unfortunately, female Pugs are prone to the same health issues as males, which means they can also develop hip deformities, rashes, and infections. 

This is why it’s important to consult a professional that can provide veterinary advice. 

Perhaps the biggest difference between male and female Pugs is that female Pugs have a higher risk of having misshaped backbones, especially those that have undergone pregnancy.

Despite this, a healthy female Pug is known to outlive its male counterpart. However, they are also prone to sex-related conditions such as uterine infections or pyometra, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer.

Similar to male Pugs, female Pugs may be at less risk of developing these issues when they are spayed. Spaying is also a good idea to prevent unwanted pregnancies. 

With Other Dogs and Pets

Male Pug socializing in the dog park

Male Pugs

Male Pugs are generally more sociable and playful than females, which makes them better companions for Pug owners who already own other dogs or pets or those who live in a big household. 

When it comes to playtime, male Pugs tend to be very friendly towards other dogs. They don’t bark and growl at other animals as much as their female counterparts do. They will likely just sniff at the other pets to get to know them and lessen the tension. 

And although male Pugs can sometimes be possessive, they are not as territorial as they seem. They don’t like tension and, as such, can be very welcoming towards other animals. 

Female Pugs

Again, female Pugs tend to be very cautious and reserved. They are likely to be very sensitive and guarded towards strangers and tend to ignore other dogs around them. 

That said, they aren’t a very aggressive breed. Rather, female Pugs tend to act calm — if not a little high and mighty — when meeting other dogs. 

They are also competitive in nature, which makes them jealous when you show attention to other pets. They would rather play with their owners rather than with other dogs.

With Children

Male Pugs

If you have kids in the house and they are looking for a new puppy to play with, male Pug puppies might be a great idea. 

They are playful and goofy and love to be around kids and other pets. They’re a sucker for attention and will relish being able to play with both young and older kids. 

Having said that, know that male Pugs can be a bit clumsy around kids, so playtime can get messy. 

You will also need to Pug-proof your house and keep your space free of tiny objects that your Pug can chew on.

This can be especially harmful to them as they can choke or get intoxicated. Just keep toys around that are good for teething and not ones that can harm your male puppy pet.

At the end of the day, male Pugs are great with kids and can match their energy and play with them throughout the day. They also love going on trips and playing with other pets in the house. 

Overall, male Pugs are very social and easy-going. They are sure to bond with you and other family members fairly quickly.

Female Pugs

Again, female Pugs tend to be very distant and reserved, but they may also get clingy and demand attention. 

At the end of the day, most female Pugs just want to be left to their own devices and enjoy their personal space. 

Even so, a girl puppy can be a great pet for older kids. The child will have more self-control and learn how to deal with a puppy without getting nipped, and they can eventually train the dog. 

However, female Pugs still like to play, but they are just more cautious and disciplined about it. 

They like to run around and have fun with their owners and kids, so getting a female Pug for a child-filled household is not such a bad idea. They may take on that motherly instinct towards your kids.

Pros and Cons of Male and Female Pugs

Male and female Pug sitting on fallen leaves

Male Pugs

For pet lovers like you, there are many advantages to getting a male Pug puppy. For starters, this pup is very laid back and has that go-with-the-flow attitude. 

It will be more than happy to match your energy in whatever it is you’re doing, whether it’s sitting at home watching TV or taking a brisk run around the neighborhood. 

Male dogs are also highly affectionate. They will happily climb onto your lap, touch your face with their little paws, and give you sloppy kisses. 

However, one of the main disadvantages of owning male Pugs is that they can be a little challenging to train. 

They tend to have short attention spans and quickly lose interest in whatever you’re teaching them, often choosing to find something more fun to entertain themselves with.

Thus, the trick to training a male Pug puppy is to feed them lots of doggy treats and keep training sessions short and simple — and, of course, lots of fun.

Here’s a rundown on the pros and cons of owning a male Pug:

Laidback Has a short attention span
Less aggressive than femalesMore challenging to train
Highly social and confidentProne to joint and bone conditions
Very affectionate and loves attentionMore territorial than the females
Food-motivatedEasily distracted

Female Pugs

Despite their independence, female Pugs love to smother their owners with affection. Moreover, female Pug puppies are very easy to train. 

They are highly intelligent and obedient, albeit with a stubborn streak. As long as you’re patient and persistent, you’ll have your little girl well-trained and housebroken in no time.

However, as born leaders that love to rule, it’s important to show them early on who’s boss. Otherwise, you’ll have yourself a sassy female Pug that’s got you wrapped around its paws. 

Female Pugs are also highly protective of their territory, which includes you. They tend to bark and growl at strangers and other animals to ward them off. Female Pugs are fierce, independent, and at times stubborn.

Here is a recap of the pros and cons of owning a female Pug:

Independent Tend to be aggressive
Easy to trainEmotional and prone to mood swings
Less prone to joint and bone conditionsMay develop backbone deformities due to pregnancy 
Matures quicklyIsn’t as sociable as the males

Should You Get a Male or Female Pug? 

If you’re still undecided on whether you want a male or a female Pug, you should look into your lifestyle, environment, current situation, and preferences before you make a choice.

If you’re a pet lover belonging to a big, busy, and active home, a male Pug may be more suitable for you since they are social, outgoing, and will thrive in the energy of a noisy home filled with jolly kids. 

Alternatively, smaller families with older kids may benefit better from a female Pug. Their reserved personality will be grateful for the quieter, more slow-paced environment. Female Pugs like to relax and enjoy the vibe. 

That said, both male and female Pugs will offer you affectionate companionship. Their charming personalities are sure to get you hooked, and their quirks will get lots of laughs out of you.

At the end of the day, you’re sure to be happy with either gender. And if you really can’t choose, well, two Pugs are better than one! After all, male or female, Pugs are very lovable in nature. Just ensure you deal with reputable breeders so you can get your money’s worth!

For more information on how to handle male and female Pugs, watch this video: 

Pug Rules the House With Fear | It's Me or the Dog

Frequently Asked Questions

Male and female Pug playing outdoors

Are Male or Female Pugs Calmer?

As with most breeds, female Pugs are much calmer and more reserved than their male counterparts. They tend to thrive better in the calm, quiet moments as opposed to male Pugs, which thrive in high-energy environments. 

Are Male or Female Pugs More Affectionate?

Both genders are just as compassionate as the other. Male Pugs just tend to show their love and affection in a louder and more boisterous manner, especially during playtime. 

Are Male or Female Pugs Easier to Train?

Due to their calm and controlled nature and the way their minds develop quicker, female Pugs are generally easier to train than male Pugs. 

They are able to focus easily on the task at hand, unlike male Pugs, which are known to have a very short attention span and are rather focused on play. 

Final Thoughts

While both female and male Pugs are adorable little creatures, they do have their differences in terms of physical appearance, temperament, health issues, and how they interact with their owners, as well as kids and other pets. 

That said, whichever gender you choose, you can be sure that your Pug will make you fall in love in an instant and will be a lovely companion for years to come. 

I hope this article has helped you learn more about the differences between the two. Have you chosen yet? Let us know your thoughts on the topic of male and female Pugs in the comments below!

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