As pet parents, knowing about the Pug’s growth and weight chart is very important. This will help you to determine whether your dog is within the healthy weight limit and the right growth curve.
Pugs are naturally inclined to gain weight. That is why one major responsibility of every Pug parent is to make sure that your Pug’s weight is normal according to its age, activity level, and overall health status.
This guide will tackle everything that you need to know about the size, growth, and weight of the adorable Pug breed. This will help every Pug parent and aspiring Pug owner in guiding their dog’s growth as soon as they are acquired from the breeder.
Pug Weight Chart by Age

Pugs are small dogs, so knowing how much their normal weight is at a certain age will be very helpful for Pug parents in setting their expectations about the size of this breed.
On average, these toy dog breeds usually reach their full adult size between 9 and 12 months, weighing an average of 14 to 18 pounds and growing about 10 to 13 inches in weight.
Unlike other dogs, both male and female Pugs grow at the same rate, have the same growth stages, and reach nearly the same adult size.
Below is the Pug weight chart for both male and female dogs to help you determine your dog’s ideal weight as it grows older:
Age | Weight |
2 months old | 2–4 lbs (1–2 kg) |
3 months old | 4–7 lbs (2–3 kg) |
4 months old | 5–9 lbs (2.5–4 kg) |
5 months old | 7–10 lbs (3–5 kg) |
6 months old | 7–12 lbs (3–5.5 kg) |
7 months old | 9–12 lbs (4–5.5 kg) |
8 months old | 11–14 lbs (5–6.5 kg) |
9 months old | 14–18 lbs (6.5–8 kg) |
10 months old | 14–18 lbs (6.5–8 kg) |
11 months old | 14–18 lbs (6.5–8 kg) |
12 months old | 14–18 lbs (6.5–8 kg) |
Note that while this is the average weight of male and female Pugs according to age, you need to consider your dog’s overall health and nutrition when using the Pug weight chart as a reference.
However, should your Pug weigh way below or ahead of these estimates, you might want to check in with your veterinarian. This is to make sure that your Pug does not put on excess weight, as this can cause health issues.
Pug Size Chart by Age
While Pugs can vary in height during their youth, they are expected to measure around 10 to 12 inches when they reach six months of age.
Generally, they will reach their full adult size and height between 9 to 12 months of age, with an average height of 10 to 13 inches.
Below is the Pug growth chart for your reference:
Age | Height |
3 months old | 6–7 in (15–18 cm) |
6 months old | 9–12 in (23–30 cm) |
9 months old | 10–12 in (25–30 cm) |
12 months old | 10–13 in (25–33 cm) |
When determining your Pug’s height, make sure they are standing straight up. Take a measurement from the sole of their foot to the top of their shoulders.
As a pet owner, you should not be highly concerned about your Pug’s growth in terms of height, especially during the puppy growth stages.
Keep in mind that, like the Pug’s body weight, your dog’s height will widely vary when they are still puppies.
Aside from the overall health status of your dog, genetic factors also play a huge role in determining your Pug’s height.
If you own a teacup Pug, this Pug growth chart may not be applicable to your dog. While they may be of the same breed, expect your teacup Pug to experience a different aging process than a regular Pug.
That said, it is crucial that you look into the size of the parents of your Pug puppy. This should give you a rough estimate of your Pug puppy’s appearance when fully grown.
At What Age Are Pugs Fully Grown?

Pugs reach their full adult size at around nine months old. Small or toy breeds reach their full size faster than medium to large-breed dogs since their smaller bones and joints require less time to form.
Some Pugs reach their full size by nine months of age. In some cases, their growth may slow down, but they will continue gaining weight and building muscles until they reach 1 year old.
However, Pugs begin to reach sexual maturity between 6 and 9 months of age—a little bit earlier than their physical maturity.
For this reason, it is highly advisable for female dogs to get pregnant when they are a little over 1 year old to ensure that they are already mature enough and fully developed before they give birth.
However, as a responsible breeder of Pugs for more than five years, I only start breeding them on their third heat cycle, which is at around 18 months. This ensures not just sexual maturity but also emotional and mental maturity, giving them a better edge in terms of taking care of their puppies.
How Big Do Full-Grown Pugs Get?
According to the American Kennel Club (AKC) breed standard, full-grown Pugs weigh around 14 to 18 pounds and stand about 10 to 13 inches tall.
These dogs appear to be sturdy and compact, with a square body. Their length usually ranges from 15.5 to 20.5 inches.
Since Pugs are toy dogs and are a small-sized breed, it is very important that you set your expectations about your dog’s weight and overall size before you decide to buy one.
As soon as they reach their full adult weight, it is very important that you make sure they are within their normal Pug weight range and watch out for excessive weight gain.
Unfortunately, the Pug is also prone to obesity. An obese Pug may be susceptible to several health issues that can shorten its life expectancy. It is always best to reach out to your veterinarian to seek help.
How Do I Know How Big My Pug Will Get?

While there isn’t a very accurate way to predict how big your Pug will get when it’s grown up, checking its dog parent’s size will give you a rough estimate of the size of your Pug puppy when it’s full-grown.
As previously mentioned, genetics plays a huge factor in determining the size of your Pug dog. Female Pugs will usually end up around the size of their mother, and male Pugs are closer to the size of their male parent.
Pug breeders will be more than happy to show you the parents of the puppy you plan to take home with you. This should give you a good idea of how big your puppy will grow as an adult.
Note that this is just an estimate, but most certainly, your Pug puppies will be somewhere between the size of both their parents.
Another way to predict the size of an adult Pug is by referring to the Pug puppy weight chart or the Pug growth chart. You can also make use of dog size calculators that are available online.
Pug Growth and Development by Age (With Pictures)
As your Pug grows each month, there will be different milestones that your dog will experience. Along with these precious moments are changes that every dog owner should be aware of.
8-Week-Old Pug

At eight weeks old, your Pug is in its Pug socialization stage. During this socialization stage, Pug puppies are already developed enough to be completely weaned off their mother’s milk onto solid food.
A Pug puppy of this age can already use all of its senses, including its vision, smell, touch, hearing, and taste. A Pug grows very rapidly during this period.
They can also pick up dog behaviors such as biting, chasing, and barking, which is why socialization is very important for your Pug puppies at this age.
It is also the same reason breeders often schedule moving puppies to their new homes at eight weeks old when they are still young to be molded but have already developed enough to be on their own.
12-Week-Old Pug

A Pug starts its juvenile or toddler period at 12 weeks old. Physically, your Pug will start teething at this age and last for several months.
It is during this stage when Pug puppies attempt to be more independent. That said, expect that your puppy will start ignoring your commands, so it is important to start training your puppy around this time.
As your puppy grows in strength, it may want to play strength games with you, such as tug of war. Make sure to keep things in control, as your dog may take this as a sign of dominance.
16-Week-Old Pug

At 16 weeks old, your Pug is already in its adolescent period. During this time, they start to go through sexual maturity and may show signs of being sexually ready.
If you are planning on spaying your female Pug or neutering your male dogs, the best time to do it is during this time.
Expect that your Pug puppy will be even more independent and willful. Teething will continue around this age, and your dog might search for things to chew on. When this happens, you must invest in chew toys.
Your Pug dog may show signs of rebelliousness at 16 weeks old, so you must continue training your dog for basic obedience. Enrolling your dog in puppy classes is best done at this age.
6-Month-Old Pug

When your Pug dog reaches six months of age, it sets off on a course of being a young adult. It is during this time that they become the most energetic dogs they will ever be.
Note that these are one of the most energetic dogs in the toy group. Increasing its activities and exercise during this time can be very helpful, so your dog won’t wear you off.
At this age, you can start enrolling your Pug dog in advanced training sessions and continue to socialize it with more people and animals.
Nutrition-wise, it is during this time when your Pug is given the most amount of food as they are at the peak of their growth stages.
You must ensure your Pug is on a healthy diet and has the right weight. Remember that these are still growing puppies, which means they need to be given the proper nutrition.
9-Month-Old Pug

At nine months old, your Pug is already in its adolescent stage and is now considered a young adult puppy. Around this age, it may have already reached its full adult weight and height.
However, if at nine months old, you notice that your Pug dog is still small for its age, fret not.
While some Pugs stop growing at this age, some may still continue to gain weight until they are one year old, so it’s best to continue providing them with the nutrients they need.
By this time, your Pug should have already been trained and socialized. Note, however, that training around this age should be continued and reinforced until they are adults.
12-Month-Old Pug (Fully Grown)

Pugs reach adulthood by the time they are one year old. By this time, they have already reached the ideal weight for adult Pugs and are already physically and emotionally mature.
If your Pug continues to gain weight at this age, it is very important that you seek the help of your Pug’s veterinarian to control the weight gain. This is very crucial since Pugs are most likely to become overweight.
Additionally, it is important that you continue to train and guide your Pug during his or her prime years. Note that while your dog is already an adult at this age, changes in social preferences and habits may still occur.
To have a visual idea of a Pug’s transformation from 3 weeks old to 12 months old, you can watch this video featuring a fawn Pug:
Frequently Asked Questions

How Big Should a 6-Month-Old Pug Be?
At 6 months of age, expect your Pug’s weight to be between 7 and 12 pounds, almost close to how adult Pugs weigh. Often, these dogs will also be about the height of an adult Pug.
Note, however, that Pugs may have a different growth rate. It is possible and completely normal that their weight is different from what is on their growth chart since they are still growing.
It is also important that owners set their expectations right, especially if they own a teacup Pug, as teacup male and female Pugs grow to be a lot smaller than standard Pugs around this age.
How Does Neutering/Spaying Affect My Pug’s Growth?
Contrary to old beliefs, having your dog spayed or neutered does not affect your Pug dog’s size and stunts its growth.
In fact, according to studies, neutering and spaying actually contribute to a longer life expectancy for your dogs, regardless of the breed.
Note, however, that having your dog spayed or neutered too early affects your dog’s growth plate, which causes delays in its closure. This results in dogs’ growing taller than they should.
Although this case is more often seen in a large-breed dog, it is still very important to discuss with your veterinarian the right time to have your Pug spayed or neutered.
What Weight Is Overweight for a Pug?
The full adult weight of a Pug ranges from 14 to 18 pounds. That said, if your Pug weighs beyond this range, they are most likely overweight.
Another way to know if your Pug is overweight is to do a physical assessment. You can run your hands around your dog’s flanks and abdomen.
If your Pug is overweight, you may not feel the ribs when you do the assessment. Still, it is important that you check with your veterinarian so they can do an examination and suggest ways to achieve a healthy weight.
Veterinarians may make use of the body condition score method to show the level of fat they have and identify if their weight is ideal or not.
Note, however, that veterinary check-ups can be expensive, especially for emergencies, which is why it is a wise move for dog parents to invest in pet insurance for their beloved Pugs.
What Size Crate Does a Pug Need?
A 22 or 24-inch dog crate should be comfortable enough for a full-grown Pug. However, depending on the space availability at home, a Pug owner can also opt for bigger crate sizes for their Pug’s extra space.
Like other dog breeds, Pugs – whether teacup, miniature, or standard size – appreciate having ample space to rest and move about freely.
Final Thoughts
Pugs may be small in size, but like the rest of the dog population, these dogs can be terrifying and overwhelming to take care of, especially for dog owners with no experience raising very small dogs.
Pug owners may often find themselves in a position where they question whether or not their dog is growing right. That said, it is important that they know the Pug growth stages, the Pug weight chart, and the growth chart.
Note that while the Pug weight chart and growth chart above can serve as a guide in determining if your Pug’s size and weight are ideal, they should not be the sole basis and still should not forego vet visits and check-ups.
What can you say about this guide? Do you think you can keep your Pug within optimal height and weight? Make sure to comment down below your thoughts on this weight and growth chart guide!