As a German Shepherd owner, you should know the essential developmental milestones in your puppy’s life, especially your German Shepherd’s size and weight.
A German Shepherd growth chart will help you keep track of these growth and development stages and ensure your puppy is growing up healthily and appropriately while avoiding stunted growth.
Adult German Shepherds are some of the biggest and most active dogs out there. Hence, owners should know if their GSD is on the right track in its growing stage.
This article will give you an in-depth idea of what to expect concerning your German Shepherd’s size. You’ll also learn about other factors affecting its overall growth. Let’s dive in!
German Shepherd Weight Chart by Age

A German Shepherd puppy has growth spurts that occur every few weeks. As with any breed, there are going to be discrepancies in size depending on the breeding and lineage of the dogs.
This German Shepherd puppy growth chart will give you an idea of what your GSD puppy will weigh as it grows to reach adulthood:
Age | Male Weight | Female Weight |
2 months old | 16–20 lbs (7–9 kg) | 11–17 lbs (5–7.5 kg) |
3 months old | 22–30 lbs (10–13.5kg) | 17–26 lbs (7.5–12 kg) |
4 months old | 35–40 lbs (16–18 kg) | 31–35 lbs (31–16 kg) |
5 months old | 40–49 lbs (18–22 kg) | 35–44 lbs (16–20 kg) |
6 months old | 49–57 lbs (22–26 kg) | 44–49 lbs (20–22 kg) |
7 months old | 57–62 lbs (22–28 kg) | 49–53 lbs (22–24 kg) |
8 months old | 62–66 lbs (28–30 kg) | 53–57 lbs (24–26 kg) |
9 months old | 64–71 lbs (29–32 kg) | 55–60 lbs (25–27 kg) |
10 months old | 66–73 lbs (30–33 kg) | 57–62 lbs (26–28 kg) |
11 months old | 71–75 lbs (32–34 kg) | 60–64 lbs (27–29 kg) |
12 months old | 71–79 lbs (32–36 kg) | 60–64 lbs (27–29 kg) |
Fully grown | 71–90 lbs (32–41 kg) | 60–70 lbs (27–32 kg) |
A standard German Shepherd weighs 60 to 90 pounds when full-grown, depending on gender.
This range varies slightly from the American Kennel Club (AKC) breed standard, which states that GSDs can weigh 50 to 90 pounds.
A German Shepherd puppy’s weight can vary significantly during its lifetime, but most dogs gain about 1 to 2 pounds per week as puppies, which gradually increases during adolescence. This is also the case for GSDs.
At one to three years of age, most male and female German Shepherds have usually reached their sexual maturity and are done with the growing stages.
As a full-grown German Shepherd, your dog should maintain a healthy weight with only slight fluctuations throughout the year in combination with regular exercise and a properly balanced diet.
If your German Shepherd starts to gain or lose weight rapidly, you should make an appointment with the vet as early as possible. This is to rule out any health issues, like obesity or hip dysplasia.
German Shepherd Size Chart by Age
Just like the German Shepherd’s weight, the German Shepherd’s height tends to progress swiftly and slowly settle into its average height as a full-grown adult dog.
You can use this German Shepherd height chart to check your female and male puppies’ growth. There may be some variation from dog to dog, but as long as your pet is otherwise healthy, that variation is normal.
Age | Male Height | Female Height |
2 months old | 7–9 in (17.5–23 cm) | 6–9 in (15–23 cm) |
3 months old | 9–11 in (23–28 cm) | 8–10 in (20.5–25.5 cm) |
4 months old | 11–14 in (28–35.5 cm) | 10–12 in (25.5–30.5 cm) |
5 months old | 14–16 in (35.5–40.5 cm) | 12–14 in (30.5–35.5 cm) |
6 months old | 16–18 in (40.5–45.5 cm) | 15–17 in (38–43 cm) |
7 months old | 19–20 in (48–51 cm) | 17–19 in (43–48 cm) |
8 months old | 20–22 in (51–56 cm) | 18–20 in (45.5–51 cm) |
9 months old | 21–23 in (53.5–58.5 cm) | 19–21 in (48–53.5 cm) |
10 months old | 22–24 in (56–61 cm) | 19–21 in (48.5–53.5 cm) |
11 months old | 22–24 in (56–61 cm) | 20–22 in (51–56 cm) |
12 months old | 22–24 in (56–61 cm) | 20–22 in (51–56 cm) |
Fully grown | 24–26 in (61–66 cm) | 22–24 in (56–61 cm) |
According to the American Kennel Club (AKC) standard, a male German Shepherd is, on average, 24 to 26 inches tall, while a female German Shepherd tends to be a bit shorter at around 22 to 24 inches.
That said, however, the height of a GSD at a certain age still depends on several factors. Two of these factors are genetics and nutrition.
If you suspect that your German Shepherd is experiencing stunted growth, make sure to visit the vet.
At What Age Are German Shepherds Fully Grown?

German Shepherds are one of the larger dog breeds that take a bit longer to reach maturity than most dogs. They are considered fully grown once they are about 24 to 36 months old.
Female German Shepherds continue to grow until they are about two years old, while male dogs continue to grow until two to three years of age since they need more time to reach sexual maturity.
If your German Shepherd tends to be smaller than average and if it appears lethargic most of the time, consult a vet immediately. The same goes if they are fully grown but still gaining excess weight rapidly.
How Big Do Full-Grown German Shepherds Get?
Adult male German Shepherd Dogs (GSDs) reach a height of 24 to 26 inches and can weigh from 71 to 90 pounds. Meanwhile, fully grown females weigh between 60 and 70 pounds and stand between 22 and 24 inches tall.
Generally, a female German Shepherd weighs and stands smaller than its male counterpart. Fully grown German Shepherds may not be the biggest dog breed out there, but it is large enough to be intimidating.
In terms of length, the body of a full-grown German Shepherd has an average size of 42 inches. This is measured from the farthest point of their hind legs up to their long muzzle.
These dimensions should not be confused with the giant GSD and the dwarf GSD as they have differences in genetics. The ranges provided here are solely for standard German Shepherds.
For reference, giant German Shepherds can be over 100 pounds and sport a much taller frame. Meanwhile, dwarf GSDs are smaller dogs that have shorter legs and a stockier build.
How Do I Know How Big My German Shepherd Will Get?

There are so many factors that go into determining the size of a dog. The most important one is their genetics. The size of your dog usually depends on its parents’ size.
If your German Shepherd pup has excellent standard parent genes, then it will grow up to be a big dog, but if it comes from much smaller parents or from a miniature line, it will be on the smaller side.
However, a puppy’s parents may have different genes than its grandparents or great-grandparents. Hence, their full-grown weight can be affected by this as well.
This means that the size of your puppy could be influenced by past generations of its family tree as well as by current generations of its immediate family members. You will need to discuss this with the breeder.
You can also use the puppy growth chart and weight chart mentioned above as a general guide for how big your dog might get when it reaches adulthood.
Additional growth factors that every dog lover should look through when getting a German Shepherd include gender, age, nutrition, environment, and exercise.
Although these may not give straightforward answers, they can be excellent indicators in predicting your German Shepherd’s growth.
German Shepherd Growth and Development by Age (With Pictures)
A German Shepherd is a large breed. As they grow to be active dogs, they will go through various developmental milestones until their growth chart is at maximum.
Aside from the GSD growth chart above, we will also go through different German Shepherd growth stages. This can be an informative overview of what to expect in their size and when German Shepherds stop growing.
3-Week-Old German Shepherd

German Shepherds are most vulnerable during the first three weeks of their lives. They are born with their eyes closed and rely on their sense of smell to find their mother’s nipples for nourishment.
A German Shepherd puppy is going to be most vulnerable immediately after birth. As they grow, they will slowly open their eyes, develop their auditory senses, and learn to crawl and walk.
During this time, the GSD mother must feed them, help them urinate and defecate, and keep them warm. It is best to leave the mother so it can adequately care for its young without human interference.
12-Week-Old German Shepherd

From three weeks to twelve weeks old, GSD puppies go through a socialization period in which they begin to interact with humans and other dogs. This is also the time when their fur color starts to change.
During this critical time, it is essential to get them accustomed to human interaction so that they develop into well-behaved companions. This is also when their ears will slowly erect.
Moreover, at this stage, the puppies should still be with their mother so they can learn to bark when startled and wean themselves off of milk. Your dog’s health and immunity will also strengthen during this time.
Additionally, German Shepherd puppies at this age may also lose their milk teeth as they are replaced by permanent teeth.
To keep you and your German Shepherd puppy from frustration, you should keep an appropriate supply of dog-approved chew toys around the house.
You must also keep an eye on things it can chew accidentally, such as cable wires. Young puppies tend to nip on anything, and some items can actually hurt them.
Furthermore, this is when they can be housebroken as well as develop the ability to bark when startled. They will be very playful at this age and will take naps most of the day.
6-Month-Old German Shepherd

Between the ages of 3 and 6 months, German Shepherd puppies go through a stage known as the “juvenile period,” in which they become more aware of themselves and their surroundings.
A German Shepherd around six months old is generally healthy and active. It should be able to eat and drink independently and be comfortable around people.
Moreover, a German Shepherd breed in the juvenile period will continue to grow until it reaches maturity steadily. At this point of your dog’s growth, it is also ready to learn basic command and obedience.
My cousin’s German Shepherd, named Sharee, had all of his adult teeth out by the time he reached six months old. My cousin also noticed Sharee’s first heat cycle towards the end of her sixth month, as there were blood droplets on the side of the carpet where she stayed.
Just like other German Shepherd Dogs, Sharee reached her sexual maturity at 6 to 7 months old. I can remember Sharee’s sudden aggression toward other dogs or even people at that time. Hence, it’s best to have your GSDs socialized and trained before reaching this stage.
16-Month-Old German Shepherd

A 16-month-old German Shepherd should be close to its fully-grown size. You’ll also notice that your puppy has formed strong pack bonds with their dog owners and family members at this stage.
If you have no intention of breeding your German Shepherd, during this phase, you will want to have it spayed or neutered to avoid various reproductive health problems.
Check out this adorable video of a German Shepherd from birth up to reaching maturity:
3-Year-Old German Shepherd (Fully Grown)

Generally, German Shepherds can be considered adult dogs at around two years of age for females, whereas males aren’t regarded as full-grown until three years.
At this point, your German Shepherd dog has reached adulthood, and there is no more major development for it to reach. However, it may still pack in extra weight and continue to grow taller depending on its diet and genetics.
That said, you should continue monitoring your German Shepherd’s size and weight to ensure that they are within the ideal range. This will also give you an idea if you are providing proper nutrition to your dog.
An adult German Shepherd may no longer need growth factors, but giving them the best dog food will improve their health and overall lifespan.
Frequently Asked Questions

How Big Should a 6-Month-Old German Shepherd Be?
Six-month-old German Shepherds are quite large dogs undergoing massive growth spurts. At 6 months old, male German Shepherds weigh around 49 to 57 pounds, whereas female dogs weigh around 44 to 49 pounds.
At this age, your German Shepherd dog will look physically mature. However, you should remember that your dog is still a puppy on the inside; hence, you must continue to treat it as such.
How Does Neutering/Spaying Affect My German Shepherd’s Growth?
Neutering and spaying German Shepherds is a highly recommended procedure that can help your dog live longer and healthier, like with most dog breeds.
These procedures can decrease their risk of developing certain diseases and conditions, such as prostate illnesses in males and mammary cancer in females.
However, there are also a few side effects associated with these procedures that you should keep in mind as you consider when to have them done.
For instance, neutered or spayed dogs will grow slower than intact ones during puberty. However, this isn’t always going to affect their overall size.
Generally, it’s best to consider neutering your dog around six months of age. This will allow time for the animal’s hormones to develop before any changes occur.
What Weight Is Overweight for a German Shepherd?
There is no specific weight for overweight German Shepherds. It usually depends on the dog’s age, activity level, and health.
You can also view the German Shepherd weight chart and growth chart above and compare them to the life stage of your pup every so often to check if it is overweight or not.
One of the easiest ways to tell if your dog is overweight is by looking at its ribs and hip bones. If you see excess fat covering the bones or bulging around the abdomen and chest area, your dog may be overweight.
If your German Shepherd’s weight is more than its ideal weight, you should immediately seek veterinary advice, as this can lead to other health problems in the future, like hip or elbow dysplasia.
What Size Crate Does a German Shepherd Need?
For a fully grown German Shepherd, it is recommended to use a dog crate that measures at least 48 inches in length, 33 inches in height, and 30 inches in width to ensure their comfort.
German Shepherds grow swiftly. You want a crate that will allow them to stand up and turn around, but not so big that they can climb out or cause damage by jumping against the walls or on top of the crate.
Final Thoughts
When you’re looking for a German Shepherd, it’s important to understand the size and growth of this breed. The German Shepherd is an imposing dog that can grow up to 26 inches tall and weigh up to 90 pounds.
The German Shepherd growth chart we prepared above will help you keep track of your pup’s progress and determine whether or not they are growing at a healthy pace.
Hopefully, you were able to find some useful information about this amazing breed from this guide. Do you have other tips on feeding a German Shepherd puppy?
Make sure to leave a comment on your thoughts about this German Shepherd growth chart in the comment section below!