Male vs. Female Akita: Which Is Better?

Male and female Akita Inu standing side by side

If you are a dog lover planning on getting an Akita, you must be wondering whether a male or a female Akita would be a better fit for you. Well, you’ve found the perfect article, as we will be talking about male and female Akitas!

While both would make great canine companions, they do have some differences in terms of size, behavior, and health.

In general, male Akitas are more playful and friendlier than their female counterparts. Meanwhile, Female Akitas are easier to train and are gentler with kids. Size-wise, male Akitas are larger and beefier than their female counterparts. Usually, the two sexes share the same lifespan and health.

Keep on reading to learn more about what makes a male Akita different from a female Akita. There are quite a few on the list, so prepare your pen and paper to take down some notes!

Physical Differences

Male and female Akita Inu sitting outside while snowing

Male Akitas

While there is no apparent variation between the two sexes of Akitas when looking at a male Akita side by side with a female Akita, there are some notable physical differences, especially in size.

For one, male Akitas are taller than females by about two inches, standing at 26 to 28 inches tall. They are also heavier, weighing between 100 and 130 pounds.

Aside from being taller and heavier, male Akitas also look more solidly built, thanks to their more developed muscles and slightly bigger heads.

Female Akitas

Overall, female Akitas are smaller compared to their male counterparts. On average, they are 24 to 26 inches at the shoulder and weigh anywhere from 70 to 100 pounds

Unlike male Akitas, they are more often described as elegant-looking because they have slimmer, less muscular bodies.

These subtle physical distinctions can be more noticeable when seeing a male and a female Akita next to each other. However, other physical traits, such as their coat color and type, are pretty similar.

Temperamental Differences

Male Akitas

Akitas are known to be a playful breed. This is especially true for young male Akitas, which are more sociable and outgoing than female Akitas. 

Despite being playful with their owners, Akitas can be quite wary of strangers. This can more easily translate into aggressiveness in adult males rather than females since the former tends to be dominant alpha dogs. 

A client of mine has an adult male Akita who is only released from his enclosure to guard their compound during the evening. In the morning, it is kept within its enclosure because it is quite aggressive with unfamiliar people. It is also very territorial and very vocal.

This behavior can be prevented by ensuring male Akita pups get socialized early. Proper socialization helps your pooch — male and female alike — get used to different sights, sounds, and smells, which then prevents them from growing up fearful.

If you have no plans of breeding your Akita, neutering can also help improve a male’s aggressiveness. It has been long believed that neutered male dogs are calmer and less aggressive.

When it comes to strangers, male Akitas can be just as cautious as female Akitas but will typically be easier to keep behaved and calm. This could be because they are more eager to please their owner in contrast to females.

Female Akitas

Because Akitas, in general, are independent dogs, they can be a little stubborn. However, between a female and a male Akita, the former is often easier to train and housebreak since they tend to be less stubborn.

Female Akitas are less aggressive than males but can still have some aggression toward other female dogs and pets. This can show up more as they become adults, as they are friendly with other dogs as puppies.

In comparison to males, female Akitas are more cautious of strangers. They tend to avoid socializing with new people and new dogs alike. 

A female Akita will love being close to her owner, but unlike a male Akita who needs quite a bit of attention, it will know when to give you space.

Moreover, regardless of whether you end up with a male or female Akita, you will have higher chances of landing a well-mannered one if you get one from reputable breeders who ensure that the behavior of the puppies is part of their breeding program.

Behavior and Training

Female Akita Inu during training

Male Akitas

Akitas are known to be intelligent dogs. Hence, training them early to learn good behavior, even as puppies, is beneficial.

This is even more essential for male Akitas because if trained late or not at all, it will be harder to control them as adults, given their large size and their high energy.

The good news is that male Akitas are keener to please their owners and accomplish tasks, making them trainable dogs. 

Owners would just need to be dedicated and stern when doing training exercises, especially with male Akitas, since male pups can get distracted easily. This is where leash training can help immensely. 

Leash training is a crucial part of training Akitas, particularly males that are more likely to run off and interact with other dogs and anything that piques their interest on walks.

Another behavior that is more prominent in male Akitas is territory marking. While it is natural for all dogs, it can become frustrating if your pooch does it indoors.

Female Akitas

Compared to males, female Akitas are generally easier to train because they are more serious, focused, and less distractible. However, they can also get bored rather quickly, so it can be challenging to make them complete tasks.

This should not deter owners from training female Akitas, though, as they actually respond better than male Akitas. Gentle correction accompanied by praise and treats is the most effective training method.

Another difference between the two Akita genders is that females are neater than males. Usually, females don’t pee to mark territories. 

This means that with proper potty training, you can trust female Akitas to keep the house clean.

Regardless of sex, however, positive reinforcement and consistency are important in training. Owners should be prepared for proper training, especially for Akitas, since they are not the easiest breed to train.

Health Differences 

Male Akitas

As a breed, Akitas are generally healthy dogs that live up to 10 to 12 years. Still, there are some health issues that they are prone to, including hip dysplasia, progressive renal atrophy (PRA), and Von Willebrand disease.

Because of their bigger size and heftier weight, male Akitas are unfortunately more prone to developing hip, bone, and joint problems in comparison to their female counterparts. 

Another common health issue is obesity, which can negatively affect your Akita’s lifespan. It has been found that neutered males have a higher risk of obesity. This emphasizes the role of exercise and proper diet for your Akita.

Female Akitas

An advantage of the lighter weight and smaller body of female Akitas is the lower risk of hip, bone, and joint issues males often experience. 

In addition, they are also less prone to developing gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) or bloating.

Like male Akitas, females can undergo spaying to remove their gonads. This procedure can have health benefits, such as preventing uterine infections and decreasing the risk of breast cancer

However, the risk for other major diseases, such as progressive retinal atrophy and hypothyroidism, is equal between the sexes. It is, therefore, essential that your Akitas have their regular vet check-ups.

With Other Dogs and Pets

Male Akita Inu sitting beside a Shiba Inu

Male Akitas

Akitas are dogs that like their independence and their space. They are not typically comfortable with other dogs and pets.

This can be more obvious with male Akitas because they are more territorial and demand dominance. Their need to be the alpha can lead to them attacking other dogs. 

A male Akita can also be tough when it comes to protecting his territory; hence, it will not back down if another dog is seen as a threat. 

This also applies to smaller pets, like cats. This can be an issue for households with several pets, as male Akitas can be aggressive. Their size and power can also cause severe injuries if they choose to attack.

I have mentioned earlier about my client’s male Akita who shows aggressive behavior toward strangers. This is true with other dogs and animals too.

Despite having other dogs in the compound, the male Akita only gets along well and shares its enclosure only with one dog, a friendly male Labrador who it grew up with. The rest of the pack stays in another enclosure as the Akita easily gets into a fight with them.

Keep in mind, however, that all these can be addressed with early socialization and proper training.

Female Akitas

In contrast to males, female Akitas are usually less territorial and less likely to assert dominance. Thus, you can also expect them to be less aggressive toward other dogs.

Although they also tend to be less receptive to other dogs and pets, female Akitas will tend to have less violent interactions with others. Still, owners should keep them on a leash when outdoors and around other dogs and pets.

If you’re curious to see how a pair of male and female Akitas spend their day together, watch this video:

A day in the life of my two Akita puppies

With Children

Male Akitas

It cannot be denied that Akitas are loyal dogs. However, they can also be self-willed at times. This trait, combined with the high spirits and big size of male Akitas, can be a little unsafe around small kids.

Owners with children should always keep an eye on their male Akitas, as they can accidentally knock over small ones during play. In addition, he might also snap at a child who gets a little too close for a male Akita’s comfort.

Thus, it’s necessary for parents to teach their children to be aware of a male Akita’s personal space. They should also know not to play with the dog’s food and toys, as males tend to be possessive of their things.

Female Akitas

Compared to males, female Akitas are generally more careful around children. This is because they are less playful and tend to be more even-tempered and behaved.

However, it is still necessary to train and socialize a female Akita early with small kids in the household. They can still cause serious injuries with their bites if children somehow provoke them.

An interesting difference between female and male Akitas is that the former tend to bond more closely with a specific member of the family, while the latter can bond with all members.

If a female Akita forms a special attachment with a child, this can result in her being fiercely loyal and protective of that child. 

Pros and Cons of Male and Female Akitas

Male and female Akita Inu playing with a tree bark

Male Akitas

Some of the pros of having a male Akita include their bigger, more muscular bodies, which allows them to defend your home well. Their guard dog quality is also enhanced by their stronger bite.

They also tend to bond with all the members of a household, meaning everyone will be equally able to play and be close to them. 

Males are also great for active families, as they enjoy outdoor activities. This is complemented by their more playful and energetic nature.

On the other hand, some cons of male Akitas as pets is their aggressiveness, which stems from their need to be dominant. However, this can be addressed by training. 

Their assertion of dominance also leads them to mark their territories. This means that if untrained, they will end up urinating in different places, even inside the house.

Male Akitas will not automatically get along with other dogs and smaller pets. Hence, training and proper socialization are essential if your household has multiple pets.

Another con is the higher chance of developing hip, bone, and joint problems because of their bigger size.

In summary, here are the pros and cons of having a male Akita:

Bigger, more muscular bodiesHigher likelihood of being aggressive
Great guard dogs for your homeVery territorial and ends up marking a lot
More playful and activeHarder to train because of their distractibility
Bonds with all the members of the familyMore prone to hip, bone, and joint issues
Can get along with female AkitasAggressive toward male dogs

Female Akitas

The major benefit of owning a female Akita is their calmer characteristic. These make females easier to train when young since they are less hyper and distractible. They are also cleaner and don’t mark territories a lot. 

Females are less likely to accidentally injure small kids when playing because they tend to be more cautious and even-tempered. Moreover, they need less attention and will give you some personal space when needed.

A female Akita is alert and very loyal while also being wary of strangers. These traits make her a good guard dog for her owner.

A trait that can be a pro or a con is a female Akita’s tendency to form a strong bond with one particular family member rather than with everyone.

A few cons of having a female Akita are that she can be less sociable and show aggression toward other female dogs. They also tend to be more self-willed and less eager to please their owners.

To make it easier, here is a table summing up the pros and cons of owning a female Akita:

Easier to train and housebreakNot as eager to please their owner
Calmer, less playfulLess sociable
More cautious around childrenBonds with a specific family member only
Can get along with male AkitasAggressive toward female dogs

Should You Get a Male or Female Akita?

The choice between a male and female Akita is highly personal and dependent on a lot of factors, including your preferences, lifestyle, and the situation in your household.

If you want a bigger Akita with a more muscular build, you might want to choose a male. On the other hand, if you’re after a more elegant look and a smaller size, a female one is a better choice.

If you have a family with small children, you might want to consider getting a female Akita since they are more gentle and less possessive than their male counterparts.

Likewise, if you have other pets at home, going with a female Akita can help you prevent fights that might be expected with the more aggressive and dominant male Akita.

These are only some of the factors to consider when picking between the two sexes. At the end of the day, you should make the decision based on your research and your personal preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Male and female Akita Inu sitting outdoors

Are Male or Female Akitas Calmer?

Both male and female Akitas are pets with high energy. However, in most cases, female Akitas are calmer than their male counterparts. They tend to be less playful and more behaved. 

Take note, however, that their temperament and behavior still heavily depend on the training they received as puppies.

Are Male or Female Akitas More Affectionate?

Female Akitas tend to be more affectionate compared to their male equivalents. But at the same time, they are also less needy of your attention. Females can sense when you need your space and will be okay on their own.

Are Male or Female Akitas Easier to Train?

As young pups, female Akitas are typically easier to train than male Akitas. This is because they are less hyper and less prone to getting distracted.

Moreover, in terms of potty training, females are easier to handle because they are cleaner and not as inclined as male Akitas to mark their territories.

Final Thoughts

Now that we have gone over the several differences between female and male Akitas, interested dog lovers can hopefully be more informed and guided when choosing their future pooch. 

Akitas, male and female alike, are loyal, loving, and energetic dogs that need proper training and early socialization to grow into happy and behaved dogs. Keep that in mind when considering your preferences and capacity as owners.

It is important to remember that whichever sex you end up getting, your relationship with your pet still depends on the training, time, and care you give them.

If you own a male or female Akita, feel free to share your experiences, thoughts, and tips in the comments below!

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