Dog smegma, a common discharge in male pooches, often raises concerns for pet owners. While it’s a natural secretion, excessive production or changes in its characteristics can hint at underlying health issues.
This explains why the question, “How to stop smegma in dogs?” is one that many fur parents ask. They would like to know if any treatments might help their dog overcome this relatively awkward condition.
In this guide, you will learn what dog smegma is, how it comes about, and if it can be prevented. You will also discover the common signs that indicate your canine may be suffering from smegma-related problems. Let’s begin!
What Is Dog Smegma?
Smegma is a natural dog penis discharge, often yellow, white, or green in color, seen at the tip of a male canine’s prepuce. It’s a combination of dead skin cells, oils, and yeast. Though usual, concerns arise if dog smegma infection symptoms like blood, inflammation, or foul smell are detected.
If you’re a dog owner, being familiar with smegma is essential. This substance is produced by neutered and unneutered male pooches, usually observed when they are resting or sleeping.
Here’s an image showing the yellow discharge on a dog’s penis, indicative of dog smegma:

Generally, a small amount of smegma is normal and even acts as a lubricant during intercourse.
Still, bear in mind that a sudden increase in smegma production, alongside the presence of blood and an unpleasant odor, could be signs of infection.
To learn more about the appearance of smegma dog infection, watch the following video:
What Causes Smegma in Dogs?
As established, a dog’s smegma production is a typical part of its reproductive system. In other words, it shouldn’t be treated as a medical problem, as the presence of smegma is completely normal.
However, note that if you notice excessive amounts of this substance on your dog’s penis, it could signify an underlying issue.
The following are some of the most common causes of the accumulation of smegma in canines:
- Allergies: The buildup of smegma usually occurs due to allergies. Specifically, when a pooch gets irritated by allergens in its private part, it causes swelling. This bump usually results in overflowing smegma.
- Prostate problems: If your canine’s smegma accumulates, it can be caused by abnormal growths on the prostate gland. Other symptoms include increased urination, straining during pooping, and lethargy.
- Thrombocytopenia: A dog may also suffer from thrombocytopenia, a blood disorder that causes it to develop low platelet counts. This condition usually leads to smegma buildup and, if left untreated, can yield harmful bacterial infections or internal bleeding.
- Bladder issues: When a canine is experiencing bladder issues, particularly inflammation, tumors, or infections, the smegma it produces can accumulate. It is advisable to take your dog to the vet and seek treatment if you suspect this may be the case.
- Urinary tract infection: If you notice that your pooch releases more smegma than expected, this could be a sign that the dog has an infection in its urinary tract.
- Hormonal imbalances: Just like in humans, male dog owners need to be aware that hormonal changes in their pets can impact the body in various ways. One of these can be dog smegma buildup.
Based on the list above, while the smegma from your dog’s genitals may not necessarily be a health issue, it may still be worth investigating. After all, nothing beats being proactive regarding your pet’s health.
How Do You Know When Your Dog Has Smegma?

It is important to note that all male dogs, whether neutered or not, will secrete smegma. So you may wonder, “When can smegma be a problem?”
For your reference, below are some of the signs and symptoms of smegma infection in dogs:
- Not the usual white or yellow discharge: One typical symptom of smegma infection is an abnormal-colored discharge. While dog smegma is a substance that can naturally appear, it should only come in the shade of white, yellow, or green.
- Excessive licking: Pooches will often lick areas that bother them. If your dog gets into the habit of constantly licking its genital area, it may be suffering from a smegma infection.
- Foul smell: A healthy dog shouldn’t have a foul-smelling penile discharge. Hence, if you detect an unusual odor, it could be an indication that your pet has a smegma infection.
- Presence of blood: Blood in your dog’s smegma or any other penile discharge is concerning. It suggests there might be a deeper issue or injury that requires treatment.
- Increased smegma production: Although dogs naturally produce smegma, an excessive amount can be problematic. If you observe an abnormal increase in smegma production, it’s a sign that there might be an underlying problem.
- Lethargy: Canines with an infection can often become lethargic. If a dog is usually energetic but seems tired and displays heavy breathing, it could be fighting a smegma infection.
- Sheath swelling: The most common symptom of dog smegma infection is sheath or prepuce swelling. Due to smegma buildup, the sheath becomes distended and inflamed, causing extreme discomfort in canines.
In the end, all these symptoms could indicate that there might be a problem with your dog’s health. So, the best action you can take is to have your pet checked out by a veterinarian.
Treatment of Dog Smegma
While normal smegma in dogs doesn’t require treatment, an infection present in smegma can cause discomfort and needs addressing. Basically, it’s vital to differentiate between the two and seek the proper care.
When you suspect an infection, the first step is to bring your furry companion to the vet clinic. For one thing, if the smegma infection is due to a foreign body, the vet will work to remove it.
However, in cases where inflammation is the cause, antibiotics, lotions, and topical medications are typically prescribed.
On the flip side, more severe conditions, like tumors causing smegma buildup, might necessitate surgery.
Overall, always work with a vet to specify the best treatment for your pooch’s particular situation. This way, you can prevent smegma-related complications from happening.
Cleaning Dog Smegma Yourself

Normally, male canines handle the smegma cleaning task. However, if your dog doesn’t, its smegma can build up or accumulate, and you’ll need to step in.
First, you can use pet-friendly wipes or a piece of clean fabric to wipe your canine’s overflowing smegma. Then, gently pat dry its sheath with a soft towel.
Meanwhile, if the smegma turns dry and crusty, a clean cloth dipped in salty, warm water will do the trick.
If all else fails, give your dog a bath and clean its genital area with gentle soap. Yet, make sure to dry it thoroughly afterward to prevent any future irritation from building up again.
All things considered, it is advisable to regularly clean smegma from your pet’s penis. Doing so will keep your dog safe from many potential health risks.
Prevention of Smegma in Dogs
Generally speaking, dog smegma is natural and cannot be entirely prevented.
Some fur parents believe the straightforward way to prevent smegma is to neuter pooches; however, it isn’t a guaranteed solution, as smegma consists not just of semen but also dead skin cells and oils.
Nonetheless, keep in mind that you should still see a reduced amount of dog smegma after neutering your furry family member.
On another note, while you can’t remove the smegma produced by your pet, you can certainly act to avoid smegma infection. Daily grooming plays a crucial role in this.
Smegma can also be effectively managed by bringing your canine to frequent vet checkups. This will allow you to determine any possible issues early on so that they can be addressed before they become serious.
Frequently Asked Questions

What Causes Excessive Smegma in Dogs?
Dog smegma is a normal discharge in canines, but excessive amounts are not typical. Causes of this excess smegma include hormonal imbalances and allergies.
Bladder problems and prostate issues can also lead to increased smegma production in dogs.
So, if you notice that your dog produces more smegma than usual, it’s crucial to seek proper diagnosis and treatment.
What Is Normal Smegma in Dogs?
Normal smegma is a yellow, white, or greenish substance, often referred to as dog penile discharge. It should not give off a foul odor or bring any pain or discomfort to your pooch.
Further, a normal smegma discharge will not cause the penis of dogs to swell, be unusually red, or be inflamed.
Thus, if you detect any changes in your dog’s smegma or surrounding area, especially on the prepuce, seeking appropriate treatment is essential to prevent further issues; it is likely that your dog has a smegma infection.
Does Neutering Help With Smegma?
Neutering your dog is indeed one way to reduce smegma production. However, it’s crucial to understand that this procedure won’t entirely stop dog smegma.
This is because smegma is a substance made not just of semen but of dead skin cells, oils, and other secretions accumulating around the male pooches’ genitals.
From my experience, after neutering one of my own dogs, I observed a reduction in smegma buildup, but regularly cleaning the genital area was still necessary.
Is Smegma Common in Dogs?
Yes, smegma is common in dogs. It’s a natural substance that can build up in the genital area. However, while it’s normal, smegma can be a problem if accompanied by blood or a foul smell.
Fortunately, regularly cleaning your dog’s smegma helps in monitoring it. If you spot any signs that could indicate an issue, like the symptoms mentioned, it’s vital to take your canine to the vet.
Overall, by keeping an eye on the smegma in your dog and ensuring you clean the area consistently, you can reduce the risk of infection and maintain a healthy fur baby.
Dog penile discharge, often called smegma, is a natural secretion many male canine owners will notice at some point. Typically, it is not a cause for concern and is completely expected.
However, even if considered a normal substance, excessive amounts can indicate underlying issues ranging from hormonal imbalances to infections. It can even suggest something more serious, like tumor growth.
That said, if you are sure none of these problems apply to your pet, you don’t need to worry too much. Yet, bear in mind that neutering can help reduce the amount of smegma a dog produces.
If you have experience dealing with dog smegma, please tell us about it in the comments!